Growing Together

Through the ministries below, we develop relationships across generations and grow together. Discipleship in who God has created us to be and what He has called us to do grows from these relationships. We believe that older men should train younger men and older women should train younger women to live the life that we have been created for.
(Titus 2)
Growing Together

Through the ministries below, we develop relationships across generations and grow together. Discipleship in who God has created us to be and what He has called us to do grows from these relationships. We believe that older men should train younger men and older women should train younger women to live the life that we have been created for.
(Titus 2)
Life Groups
NBWC Life Groups are a great place to connect and build friendships with others.

Our Life Groups are designed to develop deeper connections to encourage other to apply God’s Word to their everyday lives!
Life Groups typically consists of 8 to 20 people gathering in homes or other a designated locations. Our Groups are led by experienced / trained leaders approved by the Lead Pastors.
Some groups meet weekly and some meet twice of month.
We find that through Life Groups, people may come to know God more fully and experience His presence in their lives.
For more information: 402-293-0750 or email [email protected].
Collision Youth Ministry

Collision is a place where youth 12-18 can come and find a sense of family as they learn about a relationship with God and develop healthy friendships.
Through worship, messages, small groups and fun, they will discover the wonder of knowing God and how powerfully that impacts their lives and future.
Collision meets Wednesday nights @ 7:00pm during the school year.
G3 – Getting Giving Growing
One of the most difficult life transitions is that jump from High School into becoming an independent adult.

Statistics show that eight out of ten high school graduates struggle with their Christian Faith during this time and some lose their way entirely. G3 is the link to help young adults remain grounded spiritually and to make wise choices as well as healing from the consequences of some unwise ones and making a reconnect with God.
We believe we are better together and that the feeling of “family” is important as we get together, give together and grow together!!
For more information: 402-293-0750 or email [email protected].
Marriage Mentoring
Is your marriage suffering from unresolved situations & expectations, coupled with a breakdown in communications?

Maybe it’s time to receive some Marriage Mentoring to get you back on track!
Our mentoring couple will guide and encourage you through various skills they have learned through personal experiences over 51 years of marriage! Marriage Mentoring is Bible Based for couples of any age seeking help when a third party input may be just what you need!
Larry & Cyndy Peterson have successfully mentored numerous couples before and after marriage. Meetings are held in the privacy of their home providing a safe, secure environment to discuss and address the areas you are dealing with. There is no charge or books to purchase!
If this sounds good to you, please contact the church office for more information, because WE can Help!
Men’s Ministry
The purpose of Men’s Ministry at NBWC is to instruct men on how to become effective leaders within their families, the church and the community.

We are focused on developing spiritual leaders encouraging them to become better husbands and fathers in their homes.
Contact the church office for more information about men’s ministry events.
Oasis – Women’s Ministry
We believe that women need a place of refreshing without competition or comparison, a place free of stress, a haven, a harbor, a shelter and a place of safety.

This community goes deep in the Word and values transparency and vulnerability. Great friendships are built upon these qualities. We can better refresh others and give of ourselves generously when we allow God into the deep places of our hearts to reveal our true selves and allow Him to heal what is uncovered.
JOY (Just Older Youth)
Experiencing great friendships for ages 50 & older.

Our guiding principle for JOY is: Jesus, Others and Yourself.
This group currently meets monthly.
Morning Fire Prayer
This is a wonderful opportunity for people to come together for a time of prayer to seek God for spiritual growth individually and corporately.

God’s presence is undeniably in our midst as we worship and glorify God. You will be uplifted and encouraged!
Morning Fire meets every Saturday at 8:00 a.m in the church sanctuary.
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Prayer blankets are made with love and prayers for those who have special needs.

Every prayer blanket will represent a covering of God’s love and anointing of the Holy Spirit and that we have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts open for those in need of His touch.
Sports Activities
Men’s Softball and Bowling.

Stay tuned for sign up times!
Bellevue Together
Individuals, Businesses and the Faith Community coming together to meet the needs of Bellevue families.

BT activities began in 2010 when one counselor in an elementary school asked NBWC to help with angel tree gift tags. Without that support, 7 families and 13 children would have had no Christmas gifts, Christmas Eve snacks, Christmas breakfast or Christmas dinner.
In 2017, Bellevue Together was formed and thus began a partnership between Bellevue Public Schools, several churches, businesses and individuals.
WE ARE COMMUNITY LOVING COMMUNITY! (Matt.25:34-45 & Matt.22:37-40)
Learn more at
Have a Prayer Request?
Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
Matthew 18:19